Support for Loss and Grief Mandala Meaning

The following flowers contribute meaning and power to this Mandala:

Calla Lily - Provides divine connection, deep peace and the perspective of time.

Carnation - Employs a brilliant, dynamic energy to help re-invigorate the heart after it has been broken.

Marigold - Reminds us that life is a cycle, and the human soul endures.

Rose - Brings a pure and positive vibration to foster healing from any kind of grief or loss.

Primrose - Emits a glowing light that eliminates the shadows of sorrow. Holds the space for emotions to be dealt with.

Wisteria - Holds the space for grief to be felt completely, allowing it the time and space it needs to fully heal. Its soft energy lessens feelings of blame, anger, guilt and remorse and encourages emotions to flow.