Love Intention Word Meaning

The following flowers contribute meaning and power to this design:

Bleeding Heart - Helps to feel the fullness of emotions as freely as possible, which helps us to process and release those that are uncomfortable.  Allows us to see beauty in pain and transmute it into joy and artistic inspiration.

Cherry Blossom - A pure and positive vibration that helps uplift mood, align with Divine, draw romance, and powerfully enhance our mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Draws to you people with whom you can have a physical, emotional and spiritual connection.

Forget Me Not - Helps strengthen the bonds in an existing marriage or serious relationship, when such is the will of both parties.  Assists with releasing a stressful mindset and helps to gain perspective.

Pansy - Characterized by the energy of divine beauty and divine romantic love.  Has the energy of the intellectual and intuitive connection shared by the happiest and most intimate couples.  Can help both draw and renew this type of love.

Rose - Increases self-love.  Assists with forgiveness, approval, cutting yourself some slack and letting yourself off the hook.  Opens the heart chakra and lifts the spirit, clears the mind and aligns with the truest and most divine self.

Tulip - Embodies a pure-hearted, loving energy. Strengthens the physical heart. Helps us notice and feel grateful for all our blessings. Enhances a person's innate desirability.  Supports true, lasting emotional love.