Mandala Definition

Each mandala is a symbol that represents a specific focus, such as an emotion, thought or idea.  Symbols speak to our subconscious.  Humans have been using symbols for over 40,000 years.  They are the earliest form of language.  As humans evolved, so did their use of symbols.

We use many symbols that we interact with without thinking about them.  An example is a red circle with a slash through it.  We know it means not to do something.  Anyone who sees a circle with a slash over a “P” knows not to park in that spot.  We don’t have to figure out what the symbol means – our subconscious takes care of it.  When you go to the restroom, you know which door to use, even if you can’t read the words.

A symbol becomes a representation of whatever meaning we assign to it.  When we interact with that symbol, like seeing it on our keychain, our subconscious brings the focus of that symbol to our conscious mind.  Our mind then activates the feeling or thought that focus generates. 

When I begin to design a symbol, I first find all the flowers that have metaphysical properties that match the focus.  I use both books and the internet for flower research.  From that list of energetically compatible flowers, I select six that I feel will fit well together in a pattern.  Then comes placing the flowers in a mandala design.  At this point I only design a “slice” of the circle.  Once I am satisfied with the design, I sketch it out onto watercolor paper. Depending on the complexity of the flower, I’ll either completely draw it in, or put a circle in as a place holder.  The finished design is then inked and colored.  At each step of the process, I maintain a high personal vibration (easy to do when you are doing something you love) and mindfully let healing energy flow through me and into my pen.  The energy stays with the art and can be easily accessed by anyone who interacts with the symbol.